Certified tomato pulp

Certified tomato pulp


Origin, quality and reliability are the values that guide us in the production of our Italian Tomato Pulp (finely chopped tomatoes)

How we do it


Since 1934 we have been working to guarantee our customers a 100% Italian quality, certified and healthy tomato pulp, in the name of innovation and research. Always attentive to safety and warranty requirements for the consumer, we were the first in Italy to introduce the tomato sterilization system in the production cycle, to ensure the consumer a pulp that is not only good, but also healthy.
Among the first to get the verified quality label of the Emilia Romagna Region, we invest every day in the origin and traceability of the tomato, through direct relations with local suppliers and a computerized system that, in real time, monitors the product from the field to the customer. Food safety and quality are the cornerstones of our company policy which refers, among other, to the Brc Issue 7 certification of British Retailer Consortium and to International Featured Standard Food, a recognized GFSI standard for food safety audit and the quality of food products and production processes.

How we do it


Code of ethics and company policy
UNI ISO 45001
UNI ISO 45001

The UNI ISO 45001 standard of 2018 refers to "Management systems for health and safety at work". It establishes a framework for improving safety, reducing occupational hazards and improving the health and well-being of workers. It replaces the previous BS OHSAS 18001 with the aim of providing the standard with international regulatory recognition (ISO).

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems - Requirements. The standard defines the requirements of a quality management system for an organization. The requirements expressed are of a "general nature" and can be implemented by any type of organization.

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems - Requirements. The acronym ISO 14000 identifies a series of international standards relating to the environmental management of organizations, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The best known of these standards is ISO 14001, which establishes the requirements of an Environmental Management System.


It is the certification of the British Retail Consortium, born in the UK but gradually spread throughout the world as a guarantee of certain standards in terms of food safety and quality.

QC Emilia Romagna

Controlled Quality is a trademark registered by the Emilia-Romagna Region that is granted to producers and their associations who decide to produce and breed according to certain quality criteria, using integrated production techniques, respectful of human health and the environment. They are techniques that use limited quantities of plant protection products, fertilizers, chemical preparations and water. The products marked with the QC mark guarantee the consumer through adequate controls that ensure compliance with the quality standards defined by specific production regulations developed by the technicians of the region.

International Featured Standards Food

IFS Food is a GFSI recognized standard for auditing in the food sector for the safety and quality of food products and production processes. IFS Food is applied when the products are "processed" or when there is a danger of product contamination during primary packaging. The IFS Food standard is important for all food manufacturing companies especially for those producing private label, as it contains many requirements regarding compliance with specifications.

Kosher certification

Obtaining the Kosher certificate means producing food suitable for consumption and compliant with Kosher nutrition standards.

Halal certification

Halal (حلال, halāl, halaal) is an Arabic word that means lawful, permitted. It is opposed to another Arabic term Haram حرام which, on the contrary, means illegal, forbidden. In the Muslim context, the term halal refers to everything that is permitted according to Islam with reference to the way of speaking, clothing, conduct and rules on food.

FDA Registration

Certification of the US Food And Drug Administration which allows the import of products into the USA.

Customs clearance FTA

STERILTOM is granted the status of Authorized Exporter under the EU free trade agreement and: Algeria, Israel, South Africa, Switzerland and the Republic of Korea (n. IT / 012 / PC / 12).

Organic Production Certification

It certifies that the product was made with raw materials grown following the EU rules on organic production. The EU has drawn up a strict disciplinary with continuous controls at all levels of the production chain.


Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) ", issued by the SEDEX organization, aims to improve ethical responsibility in the areas of supplying products and services. It includes strict control in terms of employee labor standards, safety and health, environmental policies and ethical business practices.

Legality Rating

The Legality Rating was introduced as an opportunity to: spread the culture of legality, demonstrate the ethical credentials of our company, obtain funding and ensure that the company and our suppliers operate transparently, respecting the constraints imposed by law.

UNI EN ISO 22005

ISO 22005 is the certification relating to the traceability system in supply chains and agri-food companies

Sustainable supply chain

Sustainable Supply Chain Control in Industrial Tomatoes


STERILTOM has been awarded with the Gold medal in recognition of its sustainability results


The JAS certificate is the organic production guarantee certificate valid in Japan.


TOur plants have obtained the voluntary ISCC Plus certification. This certification is an extension of the ISCC standard, a sustainability certification linked to the objectives included in the 2030 Agenda. Thanks to this certification, we can receive tomatoes and sell products from a sustainable supply chain.


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