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Good Italian tomato since 1934


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Tomato Pulp is basically a peeled tomato already shredded into little pieces of different diameter (10mm, 6mm, 4mm) mixed to a thicker juice (sauce). It is usually composed of 70% little tomato pieces and of 30% sauce. Here are the differences with the other tomato derivates that are most popular in the market:

The diced (14mm or 16mm): it is a tomato cut into cubes of wider diameter compared to Tomato Pulp. Usually it is a less thick product (lower yield) and with a higher presence of skins and seeds.

Peeled tomato: it is a whole tomato without skin, immersed in a thicker juice (sauce). Compared to Tomato Pulp it has the disadvantage of not being ready to use (because it must be crushed), of having more water inside (lower yield) and more seeds inside.

Tomato purée: it is a semi concentrate product, so in this case the tomato is cooked for longer than fresh products (that are only seared), losing a bit of the natural freshness and taste that characterise Tomato Pulp or peeled tomato.

The concentrates: in this case tomatoes are "cooked" for hours, leading to a very thick product that loses all the tomato natural water and therefore also the taste and freshness of the fruit.

The difference between Tomato Pulp and Fine Pulp is basically the size of tomato pieces that form the product. It has got pieces of 10mm diameter and therefore these are more visible and perceptible in the mouth. Tomato Fine Pulp has got pieces of 6mm diameter and therefore it is a smoother product, less rustic. Usually Tomato Pulp is more appreciated in cooking for the preparation of sauces for pasta, lasagne and bruschetta, in which tomato pieces are an added value, while Fine Pulp is mostly used to make pizza, because it is easier to put on dough.

Bag box is the latest innovation in terms of packaging. Compared to traditional tin, it has several advantages both in usage and in convenience.

- it is safer than tin (for the final consumer), because there is no metal-product contact and no risk that metal pieces end up in the product while opening.
- it is safer than tin (for the caterer), because there is no risk of cutting hands with metal while opening.
- it is more convenient and cheaper to be disposed of, because after use it can be folded and thrown in the trash without having empty tins that take up space in the kitchen. Furthermore, it is a low weight packaging, therefore if there are waste fees, it offers considerable savings.
- it is more convenient to carry, because it is possible to carry more net kg of product compared to tin.
- it is more convenient in terms of price because it is cheaper than tin.

Yes, we work on private label with minimum orders and totally accessible costs.

Emilia Romagna is called the "Food Valley" because it is one of the Italian regions with most famous food specialties in the world. For Emilia’s people, food is a tradition and a kind of "mission". Emilia-Romagna, as regards tomato, is the region with the most stringent sustainability specification (Integrated Production) in the whole of Europe. Therefore all agricultural producers (including those of neighboring regions that joined) must comply with strict rules on the use of pesticides, fertilizers, crop rotation, etc. This leads to a final product that is not only better, but also healthier and more sustainable. Piacenza, among other things, has for many years played a key role in tomatoes cultivation. The farmers of Piacenza have been cultivating tomatoes for generations and every year they invest in innovation and technology, supported by manufacturing companies such as Steriltom. Currently, Piacenza is by far the largest area in northern Italy for tomato cultivation and it is the largest supply area for all the processing companies in Northern Italy. Steriltom is located in the heart of the province of Piacenza and it is able to collect more than 80% of the tomatoes it uses for its products in an area of about 25km from the company. This means having a fresh product, not damaged by long journeys and with fewer impacting logistics for the environment.

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